Sweet Nostalgia: 5 Songs That Move Me Still | Eli @ Coach Daddy
Photo credit: DocChewbacca via photopin (license)
You’ll never run out of things to say about music. Or nostalgia.
If they haven’t written every song there is to write about love and love lost and lost love and also entire continents (Africa, by Toto) and being spun like a record (baby), well, chances are they never will.
Nostalgia has just as many flavors as does music.
I know this, because I could have compiled a five-songs post for every emotion and every emotion in the margin of every emotion. From emo to zany. Instead, I relied on the random nature of the universe (and Pandora) to deliver to me songs that moved something inside.
Here are the five that did, and the emotions (and memories, and of course, the nostalgia) they evoked when I heard them: Continue reading “Sweet Nostalgia: 5 Songs That Move Me Still | Eli @ Coach Daddy”