Music · Music Monday · Nostalgia

Music Monday: 9 Songs for the New Year


Happy New Year! In the immortal words of Nina Simone: “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life!”

And yeah . . . We’re feelin’ good.

After taking time off to celebrate the holidays, we’re excited to be back in the swing of things here at The Nostalgia Diaries. We hope that you all had a fun, festive holiday season filled with memorable moments shared with loved ones.

Since we started blogging back in October last year, we have loved sharing all kinds of music with you. It takes nothing more than an opening guitar riff, a soaring melody, a head-bobbing rhythm, or a catchy chorus, before nostalgia kicks in and transports you to a different time and place.

We just love how music makes us feel, and we love sharing those feelings with you.

So what better way to start the year than with a Music Monday post of 9 Songs for the New Year! We think these “new” old songs will make you smile and inspire you to try something new this year and enjoy life to the fullest in 2017 and beyond.



















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Now it’s your turn. Let us know what new things you have planned for this year, and do you have any “new” songs that will help inspire you?

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“Sunrise on the Les Paul Special” image by licensed under CC by 2.0.



27 thoughts on “Music Monday: 9 Songs for the New Year

  1. Loved this!! Thank you for putting this list together! <3 I am working on new things for our home, but haven't really thought about putting songs to it for inspiration… hmm… I am going to work on that, because I LOVE this idea!

  2. Love the mix of artists and styles you have represented here. Happy New Year!

    1. Starting off the new year with great music is a must! 🙂 Hopefully you can check out today’s Music Monday post – Happy New Year!

    1. I’m finding new things to enjoy every day! Glad you enjoyed this list. You should check out today’s list too!
      Happy New Year!!

  3. What a great list of songs to help celebrate the new year! We’re listening to the Judy Garland song now. What a beautiful voice she has.

      1. So glad we could bring you something new! You should check this one out too!
        Lots of great new songs there!

        Happy New Year!

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