Childhood · Nostalgia

Remember Reminder #8: Slow Down

Remember Reminder: Slow Down | The Nostalgia Diaries Blog
#rememberreminder: Slow Down

 * * *

Our days keep passing us by:

Days filled with
new projects,
new demands,
new obligations.

We have to be
in a million
places at once.

We race
from place to place,
sit in mind-numbing traffic,
fall asleep
exhausted & empty.

But there
used to be a time
when everything
didn’t move this fast:

A time when
a lifetime.

A time when
you stopped &
noticed fluffy clouds,
floating butterflies,
& majestic

A time when
you savored
every last bite,
the feel of sunshine
on your face,
sleeping in
on Saturdays.

A time when
you counted your blessings,
leaves of clover,
pieces of
Halloween candy
instead of how many
things you had to cross
off your to-do list.

A time when
laughing was
a past-time,
playing was
wasn’t considered
a form of exercise.

A time when
you were
everything you
wanted to be
when you
dreamed of
you wanted
to become.

A time when time stood still.

 * * *

But wait.

It can still be that way.

 * * *

The solution
is quite simple:

Slow down,
soak it up,
savor the moments,
spend it with
people you love,
that life isn’t
about how much
you do
it’s about
how much
you love,
how much you
how much
life you’re
truly living.

 * * *

So today, remember to slow down & take notice of life’s endless beauty.

Talk to Us: What will you notice if you take the time to slow down today?

We post our Remember Reminder series on the blog here every Friday morning, as well as on our and accounts. Just search the hashtag #rememberreminder to find us! And if you have any of your own post-it note Remember Reminders that we should know about, make your own and use the hashtag so we can share the love!


At the The Nostalgia Diaries, our goal is to help you simplify, enhance, and engage your lives by focusing on the most important things: remembering, appreciating, believing, and becoming. It’s all about celebrating the past to create better days today.


P.S. Don’t forget to follow our colorful, creative spaces on , and . We’re fun and happy and whimsical and nostalgic over there, too. Pinky swear.

22 thoughts on “Remember Reminder #8: Slow Down

  1. A very important reminder for everyday! Especially as an exhausted mom, I tend to forget it most of the time.

  2. You said it. The world is running, every body is running and we too are. It’s necessary for us to slow down and enjoy the things that matter most

  3. It’s so important to be aware of all the goodness around us! When we slow down, it can turn around a difficult day!

  4. This is a great reminder! Life is always go go go and we all need a break to slow down!

  5. What a lovely reminder! It’s so easy to get caught up in everything and not take the time to do the more important things!

    Dani x

  6. I love this! It’s especially relevant to me now because this is something I recognized I needed to do desperately after graduating from college in May 2016. Through college and the year afterward, everything kind of blurred together. It all happened so quickly because I was constantly going. After working for a year after college I decided I was going to take this summer off to RELAX. I desperately needed it, despite the fact that wasn’t what was “expected” of a recent grad.

    All this week I’ve been bike riding by the ocean, reading by the beach, and taking in every moment. It’s easy to get caught up in everything like it’s a race because nothing stops and waits for you, but recognizing that we need to slow things down for ourselves every once in a while is a really important thing. Thanks so much for the thought-provoking piece.

    xx, Taylor (

  7. Good reminder! I find myself complaining about the kids and looking after them at home every day. But it was only the other day I realised this is the last year I’ll have my son at home with me before he starts school. And since then it’s hit home just how many moments I’ll miss when he’s not here with us during the day next year. So now I’m savouring them while I can!

  8. I always need to be reminded to slow down. I’m a multi-tasking, always thinking kind of person, so I don’t cherish the moments as much as I should. I want to slow down and appreciate the fact that I’m starting my break from work for the first time in over a year…

  9. This s beautifully written! I love the gentle reminder; slowing down is not my style, but it’s so necessary and I want to be better about it!

  10. I agree that sometimes you just have to step back and enjoy life. We rush things when we get caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle.


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