Music Monday · Nostalgia

Top Ten Songs You May Not Have Known Were Covers | Trevor Croft @ Trevor Croft Media


“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope.”  –  Mark Twain

Today’s Music Monday post comes to us from Trevor Croft, founder of Trevor Croft Media and a music-lover extraordinaire. He’s provided us with a great countdown of popular songs you may not have known were covers. Sit back and enjoy the ride as Trevor takes you on a musical journey to the past and drops some fun trivia—and some surprises—along the way.

Top Ten Songs You May Not Have Known Were Covers | Trevor Croft

You know the scenario: you’re listening to the “oldies” radio station in your car. Suddenly, you hear a song that you were sure was created by your favorite pop star. You then discover the song was originally recorded 30 years ago, and your X-Factor favorite was doing a cover.

It’s all good! Sometimes the later artist’s version is more successful and makes more royalty income for the writer. Sometimes not. Regardless, we’re willing to bet you’ll be surprised by at least some of these songs when you learn they’re covers. Continue reading “Top Ten Songs You May Not Have Known Were Covers | Trevor Croft @ Trevor Croft Media”


Remember Reminder #17: Take A Vacation


Hello friends!  Today is my last “takeover” guest post for the week. Corey is back from her vacation and she will be back in blogging action on Sunday with her next fabulous Everyday Nostalgia post. I’ve had a great time this week sharing my favorite nostalgic television theme songs on Music Monday and my nostalgic trip to Disneyland on yesterday’s Throwback Thursday post. Thanks for all your great comments and feedback on the website, Facebook, and Instagram! I’m happy that I was able to connect with all you great Nostalgia Seekers!

Speaking of vacations, today’s Remember Reminder is a simple, yet difficult thing to remember, and sometimes a ridiculously difficult thing to execute, particularly in America:

#rememberreminder: Take A Vacation!

Continue reading “Remember Reminder #17: Take A Vacation”

Childhood · Nostalgia · Throwback Thursday

A Nostalgic Vacation | Disneyland


– – – Guest post by stevengregory – – –

I was seven years old the first time I went to Disneyland. The year was 1975, and like many kids in those days, I knew a lot about Disney by watching The Wonderful World of Disney on television.

Sunday nights were a big family television night. was first, and then, oh THEN it was time for the magic of Disney:

As the images of the Disneyland park flashed across the screen during that Wonderful World of Disney intro, I would develop an indescribable longing to BE there, to be at that amazing, magical amusement park. Just think! Colorful parades! Disney characters! A futuristic monorail train! (A MONORAIL, can you imagine!?). Disneyland looked to be exactly what they said it would be—the “happiest place on earth”—and I couldn’t wait for the day I would enter Walt Disney’s glorious imagination and walk through the gates of Disneyland! For a kid from boring ol’ Wyoming, the Southern California sun shining on Sleeping Beauty’s castle seemed like heaven.

And it was. Continue reading “A Nostalgic Vacation | Disneyland”

Media · Music Monday · Nostalgia

Channeling Nostalgia | The Music of Television


First things first: A big thanks to Corey for trusting me to take over The Nostalgia Diaries while she vacations with her family in the tropical oasis that is Toledo, Ohio. I’ve never vacationed in Toledo, but I’ve spent a bit of time in other parts of Ohio and the Midwest and frankly, I’m a big fan of laid-back Midwestern summers.

My grandparents lived in Eastern South Dakota along the Missouri River, and every July or August my parents would take my brother and me on a road trip to spend a couple of weeks in Yankton and Vermillion, South Dakota.  To this day, I can still remember the enveloping heat of the heavy, humid air and the rich smell of dark fertile soil in fields of 7-foot tall stalks of sweet corn. Not a lot of that in Wyoming where I grew up, so the feel of the Midwest was always a striking change.

And I loved it.

I have not been back to South Dakota in years, yet thinking about it now sparks many nostalgic memories of my youth—a youth filled with the smells and sounds and sights of summer’s simple pleasures: hot concrete and cool chlorine-infused swimming pool water, the buzz of cicadas and the sad song of mourning doves, the blur of telephone poles and trees zipping past the car window ticking off the miles on the long road trip east. Continue reading “Channeling Nostalgia | The Music of Television”

culture · Music Monday · Nostalgia

My Nostalgia: The Music of Up with People | Steven Greenlee

The Nostalgic Music of Up With People | The Nostalgia Diaries Blog

From time to time, I remind our followers and friends on that we’re always looking for guest contributors for our Music Monday posts ( if you’re interested), and I get so excited when people reach out and say they want to put together a playlist to be featured on the site. Why? Well, it means we have one less post we have to write!

Just kidding!

The truth behind why we love our guest contributors so much is that we love hearing and reading about what songs take other people back, because their memory-heavy music always has a way of making us feel nostalgic, too. This fun little phenomenon is one of the most amazing things about music, and nostalgia generally: it has an amazing way of bringing people together and connecting them through shared memories, feelings, and interests.

And speaking of bringing people together, this week’s Music Monday post—which is brought to us by a friend and co-worker, Steven Greenlee—is all about a group that has been bringing people together in a musical way for years: Up with People. Continue reading “My Nostalgia: The Music of Up with People | Steven Greenlee”