Nostalgic Names: 9 Rebranding Winners
“Yes, I’d like some Opal Fruits and a Marathon. To drink? Hmmmm, let’s see… how about a Brad’s Drink, please…”
That’s what we would be saying to the movie theater concession stand folks if the owners of Starburst, Snickers, and Pepsi hadn’t decided to rebrand to create the household names we know today.
For this Throwback Thursday, we’ve dug up 9 companies/brands whose names originally fell flat, but that reached a far greater audience once they selected a new name. Seriously, did you ever think a business named Back Rub would amount to anything on the World Wide Web? The owners of that company apparently didn’t. That’s why they renamed it, and to their credit. It’s done pretty well since then. The company? A little internet startup called… [What, you think we’d give it away this early? Read on to find out!].
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