culture · Nostalgia · Throwback Thursday

Culture For the Win


On January 12, 1773 (yeah, we’re going way back for this Throwback Thursday), the first American museum opened in Charleston, South Carolina.

“Inspired in part by the creation of the British Museum,” the Charleston Museum was “established by the Charleston Library Society on the eve of the American Revolution.” And “when it first opened to the public in 1824, the Museum developed prominent collections, which Harvard scientist Louis Aggasiz declared in 1852 to be among the finest in America.” Today the museum houses “natural history, historical material culture and both documentary and photographic resources.” [From].

Okay, so we’re not here today to load you up with historical information about the Lowcountry (though here’s a fun fact: did you know Bill Murray is part of owner and the Director of Fun for Charleston’s baseball team, the Riverdogs? Which makes sense, because, well, this.)

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