
Go Find Your Place

Quick: Think of a place where you have visited or lived in that gives you the feels…

You know the place I’m talking about. That place that makes you feel at peace. At home. The place that your mind goes when you think about your “happy place.” Your go-to vacation spot. Your getaway.

How many times have you been there? Once? A hundred times? Maybe you live there. Maybe it’s a place so familiar you can close your eyes and you are instantly transported there.

Or maybe it’s just a place you saw in a travel magazine, and you knew that was YOUR place, and you knew that someday you would get there. Someday. Continue reading “Go Find Your Place”

Childhood · Nostalgia

Remember Reminder #16: There Are Many Ways to Say ‘I Love You’


#rememberreminder: There Are Many Ways to Say ‘I Love You’

As I close my front door behind me, I hear my daughter Zoey’s feet before I even see her. She scurries across the kitchen floor and then jumps up into my outstretched arms.

“Yay,” she gently sighs as lays her head on my shoulder. “You’re home.”

* * *

‘I love you’ can be said in so many different, wonderful ways, without even speaking those three words: Continue reading “Remember Reminder #16: There Are Many Ways to Say ‘I Love You’”


Remember Reminder #14: Try Not to Worry So Much

Remember Reminder #14: Try Not to Worry So Much | The Nostalgia Diaries Blog
#ememberreminder: Try Not to Worry So Much

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a worrier. 

When I was younger, I worried about getting good grades even though I studied hard. I worried that I wouldn’t be able to make new friends every time we moved. I worried that no matter how hard I tried at anything, I wouldn’t be good enough. I worried that my stuffed animals might come alive at night (silly, I know, but there was this one creepy bear…). 

Becoming an adult and then a parent have really taken those worrying skills up a notch: I worry about money, my career, making ends meet, being able to provide for me and my daughter, Zoey… I worry about my friends, my family, my loved ones… I worry about my future and my happiness… I worry about Zoey’s happiness, her future, her… well, everything. Continue reading “Remember Reminder #14: Try Not to Worry So Much”

Childhood · Nostalgia

Remember Reminder #8: Slow Down

Remember Reminder: Slow Down | The Nostalgia Diaries Blog
#rememberreminder: Slow Down

 * * *

Our days keep passing us by:

Days filled with
new projects,
new demands,
new obligations.

We have to be
in a million
places at once.

We race
from place to place,
sit in mind-numbing traffic,
fall asleep
exhausted & empty.

But there
used to be a time
when everything
didn’t move this fast: Continue reading “Remember Reminder #8: Slow Down”


Remember Reminder #5: Believe


#rememberreminder: Believe

Today, remember to believe…

Believe that miracles are possible.
Believe in magic.
Believe your dreams will come true.
Believe you are enough.
Believe in the good of others.
Believe that everything happens for a reason.
Believe in the beauty of wonder.
Believe you are right where you need to be.
Believe in the person you want to become.
Believe something good is always around the corner.
Believe in the power of love.

Above all, today, remember to believe in yourself.

Tell Us: What do you believe in?

We post our Remember Reminder series on the blog here every Friday morning, as well as on our and accounts. Just search the hashtag #rememberreminder to find us! And if you have any of your own post-it note Remember Reminders that we should know about, make your own and use the hashtag so we can share the love!


At the The Nostalgia Diaries, our goal is to help you simplify, enhance, and engage your lives by focusing on the most important things: remembering, appreciating, believing, and becoming. It’s all about celebrating the past to create better days today.


P.S. Don’t forget to follow our colorful, creative spaces on , and . We’re fun and happy and whimsical and nostalgic over there, too. Pinky swear.