It’s Here! Corey’s Book, Blessed, Beautiful Now, is Available on Amazon!
Hey there Nostalgia Seekers! It’s finally here!
Corey’s new book, , is a lovingly curated collection of personal essays from her Everyday Nostalgia series, and it is
gives readers the opportunity to follow Corey’s heartfelt journey as she navigates the complexities of life after divorce. Her raw and relatable stories are full of emotion, inspiration, and insight. Corey’s writing blends storytelling and practical lessons to provide a compelling, emotional, and powerful platform to encourage women to celebrate their own blessed, beautiful now.
Reader Praise!
Readers of The Nostalgia Diaries have praised Corey’s storytelling. Here is just a small sample of the reader comments Corey received for her essays now found in :
“Beautiful and engaging” • “I’m not sure what I would do without your delicious writing” • “Thank you for falling on my path and lighting up my life” • “I love the raw and real voice you write in” • “The most beautiful thing I’ve read in a LONG time – so sweet, pure, and heartwarming. Loved how every word just kept pulling you in, making you want to keep reading! Just truly mesmerizing.” • “Your stories are like voice-overs in those great panoramic shots from movies, where you can just feel the heart of the whole lesson coming together.” • “Such great teachings” • “A lovely, achingly lonely post that turns into peaceful prose” • “Wow. I could barely read the end of this post through the tears in my eyes” • “You capture nostalgia so profoundly and personally – something that’s so difficult to do, but so powerful when it’s done well!” • “Fantastic writing… so full of happiness” • “I just love the way you weave a story together” • “I love everything about the way Corey writes. The whole premise of the blog, her writing style, just perfection.” • “Your writing style is so beautiful. I’m a natural skimmer but I couldn’t help but read every word.” • “Gorgeous reflections” • “I love your voice, and even more, the message” • “So beautifully touching it actually gave me goosebumps” • “Charming” • “Thank you for your profound and raw truth” • “I always have so many emotions running through me as I read your beautiful words.” • “Now excuse me, where the hell are my tissues?”
Curious as to why so many readers love Corey’s writing? Here’s an excerpt:
At my lowest point last year, I sat in the corner of Zoey’s room in the middle of the night, crying.
The midnight light that cut through the darkness illuminated the rise and fall of Zoey’s chest as she breathed gently in her sleep. Then, after it crossed her room, it found me, curled up on the floor, my arms wrapped around myself, my hands desperately clinging to my weary bones.
If someone had found me there, they probably would have tried their hardest to get me to speak, to tell them what was wrong. And had I decided to play along, I would have told them how scared I was—for Zoey’s future, for my future, for my health. I would have told them how the unknown paralyzed me. I would have told them how tired I was. I would have told them how I just wanted to feel like myself again. I would have told them how all the dreams I’d once had for myself had all but faded from my sight and how I didn’t know if I’d ever find them again. And I would have told them how all these fears just kept holding me at this terrible, scary standstill, one I didn’t know how to escape from.
And if that someone had stuck around long enough to listen to my confessions, they would have most likely told me that I needed to stop letting my fear get the better of me.
But in that dark night, I only had myself to answer to, and it was there, in that silence, that I decided the only way things were going to change was if I finally started loosening my grip on the way things were. Deep down, I knew the only way I could start moving forward again was by finally letting go of something.
I was deciding to change the course of my life, and I knew the decision wasn’t just an option. It was a necessity.
— Excerpt from
A labor of love
Ask Corey about the time and effort it took to both write a year’s worth of essays and then turn them into a book, and she’ll tell you it’s been a “labor of love.”
“I’ve always wanted to be a writer,” Corey, says. “When I started The Nostalgia Diaries, I wasn’t sure how my writing and my stories and my interest in nostalgia would fit in among an internet dominated by ‘kick-ass’ girl bosses and women-warrior ‘tribes.’ My writing is quieter. It’s uplifting and inspirational in a different way.”
Corey’s Everyday Nostalgia series confirmed, however, there were a lot of wonderful women (and a number of good men also), who connected with her message of hope and love and understanding. “I was reminded by my readers that the real, happy, and hopeful connections we create are the ones that will carry us through, even in the darkest of days,” she says. “And it was my Nostalgia Diaries readers who encouraged me to give my Everyday Nostalgia essays new life in my Blessed, Beautiful Now book. As I say in the book, we are all balanced between two lives: the ones of our past, and the ones of our tomorrows. That place is called today. It’s our blessed, beautiful now, and it’s a place of unlimited new beginnings, of astounding and sometimes unexpected growth, and of shimmering, sparkling, open-ended possibilities.”
“I’d love for my message to be heard by all women who may be struggling, who may have lost themselves. I want them to know that there is hope in the future. If my words can help even one person turn the corner and find the road ahead open wide with sunshine on their face and love in their heart. Well, what would be better than that?”
Order Corey’s book, at The book is available for the Kindle and in paperback.
Want to connect with Corey? You can do it here on The Nostalgia Diaries, and you can also connect with her at her author website,
At The Nostalgia Diaries, our goal is to help you simplify, enhance, and engage your lives by focusing on the most important things: remembering, appreciating, believing, and becoming. It’s all about celebrating the past to create better days today.
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