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Simple Nostalgia: Snow


O the snow, the beautiful snow
Filling the sky and the earth below!”

So starts the old nostalgic winter poem by John Whitaker Watson, and so too—hopefully—will be the start to the second day of December here in Colorado. As I write this, the weather folks are calling for a little bit of snow. A very little bit, but around here, you never really know. Could be a blizzard.

Or it could be just a couple of flakes.

If it does snow, even a little bit, you can be sure I’ll be out catching snowflakes on my tongue. Talk about simple nostalgia. Heck, even Leonardo diCaprio catches snowflakes on his tongue in his movie The Revenant and it made for a light, nostalgic moment in a heavy movie.

So if Leo can be nostalgic like that under those circumstances, I’ll be right there with him.

But if today still doesn’t bring snow, perhaps a little Simple Nostalgia will tide us over until next week, when the odds of snow are high.  Or so the weather folks say . . .


What Simple Nostalgia moments do you think of when it snows?






6 thoughts on “Simple Nostalgia: Snow

  1. I grew up in Chicago, so I am certainly feeling nostalgic. So fun in the winter – especially when you are a kid. If you didn’t get to go sledding as a kid, and then come home to hot chocolate – you really missed something great. It has been a long time since I visited with old man winter – now that I live in Florida. My husband is in the group that hasn’t ever seen snow. Can you imagine?

  2. I love this. Being from Canada you have to love the snow or find a way to deal with it. I do think a lot of my memories revolved around snow.
    looking forward to reading your blog, we seem to share many of the same ideas. 🙂


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