Holiday · Modern Nostalgia · Throwback Thursday

#tbt: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade


What would Thanksgiving morning be without the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

What? You haven’t tuned in for how many years? Since you were a kid?

You are missing out…

#tbt #macysthanksgivingparade #bigballoons #dontletgooftheropes

Next week, you should make a plan to plop down in front of the TV, hot cocoa in hand (or a mimosa or Bloody Mary if you are so inclined), and celebrate the majesty of this Thanksgiving holiday spectacle.

Marching bands, Broadway musical acts, singers, celebrities, Santa Claus and of course, those wonderful giant balloons!

As kids, those balloons were magical, weren’t they?  We marveled at their enormity and the countless people it took to wrangle them down the concrete canyons of New York City. 

If you have kids, make this a year to share with them the wonder and excitement of seeing giant Pikachu and giant Charlie Brown and giant Spongebob Squarepants sail into Herald Square. Tell them your memories of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parades you would watch every year. The nostalgia will do you and your kids some good.

If anything, it’s an excuse to snuggle up to your family and spend a little time just relaxing before heading off over the river and through the woods to chow down on Thanksgiving dinner.

And as you gather around the table to celebrate all that you are thankful for, you can unequivocally say you are thankful for family, friends, health and happiness.

And giant helium balloons.

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What: 90th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade [An Interactive Guide]

Where: New York City

When: Thursday | November 23, 2017 | 9:00 a.m.

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ALL PHOTOS by | ; ; ; | Used under Creative Commons License (CC by 2.0)


At The Nostalgia Diaries, our goal is to help you simplify, enhance, and engage your lives by focusing on the most important things: remembering, appreciating, believing, and becoming. It’s all about celebrating the past to create better days today.

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15 thoughts on “#tbt: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

  1. I love the Macy’s thanksgiving parade – I used to watch it on TV and when I moved to Manhattan, I got to see it live, even though I was a grown up by then, it was magical, and still is!

  2. I have always loved this parade and look forward to watching it every year. It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving day without it on the TV!

  3. What a great idea. I have kind of forgotten about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. I think my kids would like it!

  4. I love the Macy’s parade! It is still my tradition to watch it, now I do it while baking my apple pie for Thanksgiving dessert!

  5. I had stopped watching the parade as an adult, but am going to try to catch it with the babies this year.

  6. You’re right…I haven’t seen this in ages. We have friends that invite us over to watch it each year in our pjs (so cute, right??) but because my bf and I always do two dinners on thanksgiving it’s always a little rough. This post makes me want to see the parade again, mug of hot cocoa in hand <3

  7. I’ve honestly never really cared about parades, but I ALWAYS love anything with Charlie Brown and the gang, so I always looked forward to seeing the Charlie Brown floats 🙂

  8. My family and I did watch it yesterday! My favorite is any of the Broadway performances. Although in yesterday’s parade, we had our local high school marching band perform, so that was fun to see!


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