Because it’s good for you, that’s why.
- Nostalgia , similar to the effect of other positive emotions such as love, pride and joy;
- Nostalgia strengthens a sense of meaning in life;
- Nostalgia allows ;
- Nostalgia can be used as a ;
- Nostalgia can reduce boredom and .
- Nostalgia can make us more patient.
- Nostalgia can make you more charitable.
And remarkably, all the human senses may be involved in experiencing nostalgia.
My hope is that as you read through The Nostalgia Diaries, you will reap all of the positive benefits that nostalgia promotes.
And I hope it will encourage you to plan and engage in what famous nostalgia researcher Constantine Sedikides identified as “anticipatory nostalgia”—the creation of “nostalgic-to-be memories.”
Yep, you heard me. You can mindfully create events and moments today that will create happy, positive, and super-beneficial nostalgic thoughts and feelings tomorrow.
How cool is that?
So keep on reading for inspiring ways to help you celebrate the past to create a better life today and into the future!