The Nostalgia Diaries

#tbt: Looking Forward to the First December Snow

#Decembersnow #nobusinesslikesnowbusiness #stillwaiting

What is it about December snow? There is something magical about big white fluffy flakes, dancing in the air, ushering in winter. Of course, most years it snows here much earlier than December. Sometimes in September.  Usually in October. Definitely in November.

But December snow, especially that first December snow, is real snow. It’s an honest snow. A nostalgic snow. It’s the snow that you could watch for hours, dusting the ground, then accumulating into inches and then feet. It’s the snow that will lay the foundation for snowmen and snowballs and snow angels and snow forts.  It’s the snow that will cover rooftops and hang heavy from evergreen trees.  It’s the snow that will blanket the ground, insulating the world and creating a quiet like no other.

Ah, yes. There is no quiet like snow quiet.

And if it’s the first December snow, that snowy silence will remind you of Silent Night and Winter Wonderland, and Sleigh Ride and Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

It means snow days. It means hot chocolate. It means mittens and ski jackets and scarves and boots. It means vacation. It means Christmas is on its way.

Where did that happy anticipation of the first snow go?  As the years have passed, falling snow no longer means fun and adventure. It means icy roads and traffic jams. It means shoveling snow and sore backs. It means bitter cold and higher heating bills.

We think it’s time to bring back the happy anticipation of the first December snow.

This month, whenever the snow gets here, we’re going to harken back to the youthful excitement we felt at the first December snow. We’ll remember the feel of the flakes falling soft on our tongues and wetting our eyelashes. We will remember the way the snow whitewashed the world with hope and peace and longing and anticipation. We will remember the way it sparkled and shined. We will remember the wonder.

And we’re going to feel the excitement as the falling snow creates a shimmering screen, blurring the houses and trees and street lights in a moving tapestry of white.

The first December snow. Get out there and remember . . .  
